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How to Create Distinctive Branded Folders

Your brand is like your company’s fingerprints-it’s what makes you unique over every other company in your field. Therefore, you want your fingerprints on everything that represents your company, including presentation folders.

Create a bigger impact by focusing on your brand identity in your custom folder designs. Branded folders should reflect your company’s values, image and company message so that customers can get to know you a little better.

Making an Impact with a Logo

Using a logo to create brand awareness on a yellow presentation folder (SKU: 08-53).

The first basic step towards branding your presentation folder is to add a company logo to the front. Consider this example of a logo for a ski lodge. The simple pine tree design ties the logo to the idea of skiing down a mountain. The text tells you that the resort is in Whistler, Canada and is a good place to take a family. With just a glance, you can learn all you need to know about this brand just from the logo itself.

Putting Your Product Front and Center

This custom key card holder establishes brand identity through the beauty of the hotel (SKU: 27-05).

Some branded folders rely on photographs more than logos and text to convey a brand identity. This presentation folder for a hotel features both a logo and accompanying star-rating, but the focus is on the beauty and appeal of the hotel itself. This approach to folder presentation gives your product the center spotlight and familiarizes customers to your company’s one-of-a-kind personality.

Utilizing Slogans

Slogans tell your customers about your brand (SKU: 29-71).

Although a visual element can convey a powerful message, sometimes it’s best to just come out and say what you want to say. In this example, the presentation folder has been outfitted with a number of company slogans, each relaying a similar message about the product’s quality. Phrases like “World Renowned Soup” offer a testimonial to the popularity of the soup, while the slogan “Nothing Else Compares” separates this soup from all other soups.

Stating Your Mission

Your mission statement identifies your brand’s value and objective (SKU: 08-57).

There’s no better place for your mission statement then right on the front of your presentation folder. In this example we have a generic company name in an industry that is not entirely photogenic. Instead, the folder design focuses on the mission statement, so that their customers identify their brand with high efficiency and low emissions.

The Complete Package

This branded folder uses a logo, slogan and picture (SKU: 08-21).

The best branded folders use a combination of multiple branding techniques to create the most succinct statement possible. In this example, we have an office supply company using logos, slogans and pictures to identify themselves as helpful, friendly caregivers. The paperclip in the logo lets you know they sell office supplies, while the heart made by the mouse cords makes you associate them with love and care. The slogans “members of your team” and “feel the love” bring the entire message together.

These are only a few ideas for establishing your brand identity when creating your own custom folder. Get creative and find new ways to express your brand’s unique qualities and distinctive personality.

This post is a part of our Presentation Folders 101 product guide.

CF Staff
Author: CF Staff

We believe that knowledge is power, especially when it comes to ensuring your business looks its best. Our graphic artists, copywriters and print specialists aim to share their knowledge and give you the edge you need to create truly memorable marketing materials. Quality isn't just an act–it's a culture. Connect with us on X and Facebook for more awesome info.

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