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5 Real Estate File Folders for Realty Rock Stars

Although a personalized file folder may not be as flashy or as well accessorized as its cousin the presentation folder, it’s a crucial tool for the success of many types of businesses– especially real estate. Using real estate file folders can give you a leg up on the competition as long as you know what kind of file folders are best to use in certain situations. From sparking a client’s interest to closing the deal, here’s just a few ways you can utilize specific real estate folders.

Vertical Pocket File Tab Folder

Our Vertical Pocket File Tab Folder (SKU: 08-50)

Vertical Pocket File Folders

Customers want to know that they are making an informed decision before they commit to a purchase. A vertical pocket real estate file folder is a good way to create an info packet or hand our brochures on a new listing. The folder itself can be designed around your real estate brand, with your contact info on the vertical pocket. Simply change the information inside the pocket for each listing and you can use the same folder every time.

Pocket File Folders

One of the biggest factors that new buyers consider is the area surrounding a property. Use pocket file folders to create neighborhood info packets. Stuff the pockets full of brochures for local schools, restaurant mailers, event guides, city newsletters and anything else that might give clients a better idea of the area.

Tabbed File Folder

Our Letter-Size Right Tab File Folder (SKU: 09-24-003).

Tabbed File Folders

When showing off properties to potential buyers, it’s always a good idea to present them with three options to find what they like the best. Using real estate file folders with different tab locations allows your clients to keep track of the properties they saw. Order folders with file tabs on the left, right and center and then create a custom label for each property. This visual cue helps your clients better sort the different properties in their head and reach the best decision.

Expansion File Folders

When you’ve gotten a client to sign on the dotted line, create a custom real estate file folder as a welcome package to their new property. An expanding file folder has enough extra room to include a great deal of information, everything from floor plans and titles to the actual keys for the property. This extra special touch will help clients remember you if they ever want to buy or sell real estate in the future.

Expanding Portfolio File Folder

Our Expanding Portfolio File Folder (SKU: 35-13).

Portfolio File Folders

Part of being a realtor is finding new properties to purchase, which means presenting yourself to property owners who require help in selling their property. A portfolio file folder is an easy way to give potential clients a look at your past work by showing off properties you’ve helped to sell and testimonials from former clients who were happy with your service. At this stage in the game, you’re selling yourself, so portfolio folders give you the best tools for doing so.

These are just a few ways you can use real estate file folders to make a strong impression on your clients. File folders work best when coupled with presentation folders to make an impressive statement about your professionalism and commitment.

This post is a part of our Presentation Folders 101 product guide.

CF Staff
Author: CF Staff

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