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Design Inspiration

While we’re known for our vast collection of presentation folder designs, we’ve also created some popular design inspiration roundups containing the best corporate print designs and branded marketing materials we could find on the internet. Check out these pages to find the designs you need to be inspired.

300+ Folder Designs Perfect For Inspiration

Presentation Folder Design Inspiration

View our vast collection of inspirational folder designs and folder design templates. Browse hundreds of unique presentation folders created by top graphic artists and extract useful design ideas from real folders we’ve printed for clients. You’ll find them organized into categories and tags, making it easier to sort based on the unique attributes of the folder or the types of businesses they were used for.

102 Incredibly Cool Binder Design Ideas

102 Incredibly Cool Binder Design Ideas

When you were a child in school, did you ever own a binder decorated with cute stickers, doodles or the name of your secret crush? That same desire to personalize our materials has followed us into adulthood, but in a more sophisticated way. Professional custom binder designs allow companies and organizations to creatively reinforce their brand identity, present their concepts and showcase their products.

174 Coolest Brochure Designs for Creative Inspiration

174 Coolest Brochure Designs for Creative Inspiration

There’s a reason why the brochure continues to endure in the age of digital marketing–because of creative designers who push the limits with great ideas and imaginative designs that make a lasting impression. We’ve gathered up a huge collection showcasing our favorite brochure design inspiration from different industries in the hopes that they will plant a few seeds of creativity.

93 Outstanding Rack Card Design Examples

93 Outstanding Rack Card Design Examples

If a business card and a brochure had a baby, that baby would look exactly like a rack card. Rack cards are the best of both worlds, displaying an array of information through a medium that’s portable and fits neatly into the racks found in hotels, travel centers, rest stops, convenience stores, waiting rooms, reception desks–basically any place that gets a lot of foot traffic.

200+ Cool Personal Logo Designs for Inspiration

Personal Logo Design Inspiration

The best personal logo designs turn an individual’s name into a cohesive brand identity (instead of just something their parents picked for them when they were born). To get you inspired, we’ve shared some of the best examples of personal logos. You can browse them all, or check out your favorite category.

The 8 Best Annual Report Covers

The 8 Best Annual Report Covers

When designing the cover for your company’s annual report, you should take a peek at what others have done before you to draw inspiration. The best annual report covers use designs that tell the story of the past year while looking forward. When you look at these daring cover designs, consider how you can apply similar creative thinking to your own designs to create one that sticks with investors all year.